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Which is better iOS or Android?

In today's post on our blog we want to show you the pros and cons of both operating systems so that you know what suits you best, and you can get the most out of your mobile!

Which is better, iOS or Android ?

Which is Better, iOS or Android?

If we ask a user why you prefer iOS or why you prefer Android , many times the answer is usually a simple "because it is better", without further arguments. Although it is true that one has advantages over the other and vice versa, in the end, as a consumer you have to base your purchase on what best suits your needs.

Mobile Devices

Apple and Google are the two giants that in the end break the cake of the operating systems that are in the mobile market. They have gradually banished their competitors. And now they remain in our lives in a very polarized way, as they are night and day in many respects. Basically in company philosophy.

As you may already know, iOS is Apple's mobile operating system. Initially, it was developed to cover and serve as an operating system for the iPhone. But then it was also adapted to the iPod and the iPad tablet device. On the other hand, Google's operating system is Android . This technology is based on Linux: it was designed for mobile devices that had the touch screen. Today we can find it in smart watches, televisions.

If we talk about which is the most used operating system, Android is more common than iOS: we talk about a market share of 80% . Anyway, as we say, you have to base your choice on what you really need and your preferences.

Quality And Price Criteria

Better quality iOS or Android ? The materials that you mount your Apple devices on meet very strict quality standards. But of course, there is not much to choose from: Apple only offers one range and, therefore, a single price . Apple ensures that its consumers are aware each year of the launch of the new iPhone model. Which sometimes does not make much difference with respect to its predecessor. This is called marketing. But good marketing.

The good thing about Android is that it offers different ranges to access depending on your budget. The high ranges of Android devices are perfectly comparable to an Apple iOS.

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iOS can boast that it is more secure than Android. In fact, it boasts that its technology is hardly affected by malware. And this is true, although with nuances, since everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

IOS apps have to pass very strict controls in order to be published. This regulation prevents the user from being affected by viruses or other types of instabilities. Also, and as a disadvantage, iOS does not allow the installation of this operating system on hardware from another brand.

iOS is therefore a closed and more protected operating system, if you want to see it that way. While Android is open: remember that Android is the Linux family, and the philosophy of Linux is based on openness and accessibility. Even accessibility in terms of development.

Accessibility And User Experience

iOS offers a very simplified environment for the user : with a single button and the touch screen, you are able to access all the available options. Simplified does not mean intuitive , especially if you start from another type of operating system. Anyway, the good thing about iOS is that what you see is what you get, so to speak. And all the applications will be displayed on the screen.

In this sense, Android can be more intuitive and customizable . There are also applications with which to fully customize accessibility and improve your user experience. Not forgetting to mention that afterwards each brand proposes a different UX (User Experience).

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IOS must be recognized for greater durability compared to its competition. At least as regards the years in which a smartphone with this operating system remains stable. In any case, despite the fact that it is possible to speak of a greater obsolescence in terminals that use Android , in terms of speed and results they are very on par with models of the same range.

In conclusion, we could say that if you intend to spend $1182 on a mobile, both performance and quality will be very on par with both an iOS and an Android . The idea is that you do not get carried away solely by aesthetic criteria and that you shuffle all the information that is in your hand to choose between Android or iOS . Which one do you prefer?

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