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Build Apps With Flutter | Google for Developers

Flutter is a popular open-source UI framework developed by Google that allows you to build native-like mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. With Flutter, you can use a single programming language, Dart, to create high-performance applications that run on multiple platforms.

Build apps with Flutter | Google for Developers

To get started with building apps using Flutter, follow these steps:

1) Set up Flutter

Visit the Flutter website ( and download the Flutter SDK for your operating system. Extract the downloaded file and add the Flutter bin directory to your system's PATH variable. This allows you to access the Flutter command-line tools from any location in your terminal.

2) Install dependencies 

Flutter requires several dependencies to be installed on your development machine, such as Dart and Android Studio (for Android development) or Xcode (for iOS development). Follow the Flutter installation guide ( for your specific operating system to set up these dependencies.

3) Create a new Flutter project 

Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to create a new Flutter project:

  1. lua
    flutter create my_app

4) Open the project in your preferred code editor

Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory and open it in your preferred code editor.

5) Build and run the app

Use the following command to check if your Flutter installation is working correctly:

flutter doctor

This command verifies if all the necessary dependencies are installed and provide guidance on any missing components.

 After verifying the installation, you can run your app on an emulator or physical device. Connect your device or start an emulator, and then use the following command to run your app:

  1. arduino
    flutter run

6) Start coding

Flutter apps are primarily built using Dart, a statically-typed programming language. Open the `lib/main.dart` file in your project, and you'll find the main entry point of your Flutter app. Modify the code to create your desired user interface and application logic.

7) Hot Reload and Debugging

One of the key features of Flutter is the ability to use hot reload, which allows you to see the changes you make to your code almost instantly without restarting the app. Save your changes, and the app will automatically update in real time. You can also use various debugging tools and breakpoints to identify and fix issues in your code.

8) Package management

Flutter has a rich ecosystem of packages available through the Dart package manager called You can browse packages on the website and include them in your project by specifying them as dependencies in your `pubspec.yaml` file.

9) Testing and deployment

Flutter provides support for writing unit tests, integration tests, and widget tests to ensure the quality and stability of your app. When you're ready to deploy your app, you can follow the Flutter documentation on how to build and distribute your app for different platforms.

Additionally, Google offers various resources, documentation, and codelabs to help you learn and master Flutter development. You can explore the official Flutter website ( and the Google Developers website ( for comprehensive guides, tutorials, and examples.

Happy coding with Flutter!

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